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Companies USA Companies in the state of Ohio
Cataloxy Millersburg...Companies in MillersburgConstructionBuilding industryConcrete works contractorsYoder Lazer Concrete

Yoder Lazer Concrete

Yoder Laser Concrete Company / Concrete Contractor Dayton, Toledo, Cleveland, Columbus Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia specializing in large concrete pad, warehouse concrete, concrete driveways, concrete parking lot, and commercial, industrial and agricultural concrete work.

Concrete Contractors The Owner of Yoder Lazer Concrete is Dan Yoder Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Yoder Laser Concrete, located in the heart of Amish country in Millersburg, Ohio offers customers a chance to get affordable concrete that is not only durable, but also decorative and appealing. The company was originally founded more than a decade ago by Dan Yoder, an Amish man who makes his home in Millersburg, Ohio. Today, Yoder Laser Concrete consists of approximately 30 employees and services customers throughout Ohio and its surrounding states. General Manager, John Clark, says the company handles a myriad of projects including, industrial, agricultural, commercial and residential. This means they

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Yoder Lazer Concrete in Millersburg you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1999

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 Address: 7391 County Road 203
44654, Millersburg, Ohio

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concrete crew, concrete contractor ohio, concrete driveways, west virginia, concrete companies, large concrete pad, columbus ohio, cleveland, ohio
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