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Companies USA Companies in the state of Ohio
Cataloxy Orrville...Companies in OrrvilleTransport & LogisticsHandling and storage plant and equipmentPalletsSouthwood Lumber & Pallet Inc.

Southwood Lumber Pallet Inc


We are a manufacturer of standard and custom pallets located in Northeast Ohio. Our quality pallets are made to your specifications and will meet your needs.

Started in 1950 as a sawmill, Southwood Lumber & Pallet Inc. is a lumber business. The company purchases raw lumber from sawmills primarily in Ohio and West Virginia sawing the lumber to size and assembles the pallets using automated pallet nailers. The company manufactures wooden pallets of various sizes and designs. It also handles a limited amount of used pallets to serve its customer requests. Southwood Lumber & Pallet Inc. can heat treat approximately 800 pallets per treatment cycle.
Pallets & Skids-Manufacturers The of Southwood Lumber & Pallet Inc. is SANIYAH DOWDY Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : //

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Southwood Lumber Pallet Inc in Orrville you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 8849 Lincoln Way E
44667, Orrville, Ohio

More 1 address of the company in city Orrville on the map

Southwood Lumber Pallet Inc address

8849 Lincoln Way E, Orrville, OH 44667
Phone: (330) 682-3747

Southwood Lumber Pallet Inc address

8849 Lincoln Way E
Phone: (330) 682-3747

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