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Companies USA Companies in the state of Ohio
Cataloxy Winesburg...Companies in WinesburgAgriculture & FoodFoodAbattoirsCase Farms Ohio Div.

Case Farms Ohio Div., Winesburg

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Case Farms is a fully integrated poultry farming and processing group of dedicated individuals who produce quality poultry products for our customers.

Poultry Processing Plants The Manager of Case Farms Ohio Div. is CHUCK MCDANIELS Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Case Farms is a fully integrated poultry farming and processing group of dedicated individuals comprised of over 3200 employees and 475 grower farms that work together to produce consistent quality poultry products every time for every customer.
Our quality commitment begins fresh on the farm and continues through our breeding facilities, hatcheries, broiler grow-out facilities, processing plants, and logistics services. Our commitment to quality is our customer's complete satisfaction with Case Farms products.
Poultry abattoirs

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Case Farms Ohio Div. in Winesburg you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1967

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 Phone: no specified
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 Address: Po Box 185
44690, Winesburg, Ohio

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